Long's Peak

Long's Peak
I can't wait to go back.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I"m convinced that God smiles on excellence. No matter what is out there in the world: Coffee, Music, Architecture, Art, Business - if its done with excellence it demands, at the least, respect. Respect is one of the things that I seek. I enjoy it when respect is paid to me. I, in turn, enjoy paying respect to those I see deserving. I don't feel I've been living up to my own expectations recently. Maybe I'm a little hard on myself at times, but right now its needed. I'm trying to get my ass in gear when it comes to facing the things that come my way with dignity and excellence.
I wrote this almost 18 months ago. It has to do with this subject.

I Owe A...

The Relentless summer heat isn't as harsh as the bitter winter cold
This all pales in comparison to the real opposition found in the mundane
responsibilities of facing your past choices in the eye and dealing with
the consequential situation in which you are so fully immersed
Don't Run
Face the world you've created
Now on this path, why not see where it leads?
Why not follow it out?
Have you any other choices except to become a gutless coward?
After all you could end up with quite a view and at worse
experience the bitter winter cold or the relentless summer heat.

Excellent Blues


Unknown said...

Absolutely truth. I have a question, just a thought I had. Does God smile on Crime done with excellence, like tax evasion or a robbery?

JustinPickerel said...

Dangerous ground your putting me on there Jake!