Friendships are more and more precious to me. And every friendship seems to have a 'glory' about it. God has just been tearing me up recently and I guess it has been showing up there too. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about how good I have it (even though I'm single ha ha). Jesus is amazing and I have a longing for Him again. There was a time not that long ago that the only feeling I had towards Christ was that of disregard.
It all changed while I was watching a movie (as these things often do!) Pay It Forward was the movie. I had never seen it before and caught up to it about halfway. I'm not going to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it but the end is killer. Anyway, I got towards the end and something happens in the movie that deals with forgiveness. And the Holy Spirit just whispered the words I FORGIVE YOU as this one character in the movie says them. I was obviously floored. Literally! I hit the floor and freaking lost it like everyone I had ever known just died. Convulsing.
You see, I prayed only one prayer the previous 11 months (along with a ton of messing up my life, my way). That prayer was simple and had only been whispered about 10 days prior to this incident. The prayer was, "Bring me back. I don't care how. Just start me towards You."
Its funny how we forget our prayers sometimes. But faithfully and thankfully He remembers!
God is ALWAYS listening. And He will remember...
Kind of puts our own personal goals of revenge/bitterness into perpsective. Forgiveness is ours to give just as it is for us to receive. We are instruments of forgiveness. Let us all be like Christ.
...Lord, I love You with all I am. I long for You. I want to see You... I want to touch You and thank You in person for what You've done for me. You are the very definition of greatness. I will worship You for the rest of my days...
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