Long's Peak

Long's Peak
I can't wait to go back.

Friday, May 28, 2010

For Hayley...

We're as sick as our secrets...
First read this...

MTV Article on Hayley Williams indiscriminate twitpic

Whether it was a stunt, an honest mistake, or a hack. The fact that a topless picture of the singer/songwriter (of which I am a huge fan) that hit her twitter for over 600,000 of her followers to see is disturbing and sad. For many this will effect the way many see her. I for one don't know what to think except...
For over a week now I've been meditating on what Pastor Michael Welchert said during his sermon a couple of Sundays ago. "We're as sick as our secrets" he said. And then kept right on moving through his sermon which was on anger from the Sermon On The Mount. The whole purpose of his message is that God looks upon our hearts. For this is where the sinful nature which constantly breaks God's laws is found.
I wish once and for all when something like this happens and it becomes easy to ridicule, that we all look at ourselves with honesty and in humility realize we are ALL guilty of sin. In that light we love and forgive. Period. No strings attached. Jesus died on the cross. He is our judge and jury. We have no place in the matter but to do what we have seen Him do and that is in any occasion where someone is embarrassed or defamed we hold them in high regard and forgive and defend. For she is human. Just like me. Just like you. I'm still going to buy her records. I'm still going to support Paramore. They have a great message. There music is killer and they have saved many lives. Whether they know it or not Good is using them.
Let this be a lesson to us all before we slander one another...